Types of Jasmine Plants: Common Varieties of Jasmine Plants - bntyo.com


Types of Jasmine Plants: Common Varieties of Jasmine Plants Thoughts of jasmine [1] bring to mind summer evenings with an intoxicating, floral scent that seems to float in the air. While some varieties of jasmine plants are among the most fragrant plants you can grow, not all are fragrant. Read on to learn more about the different types of jasmine and their properties.

Types of Jasmine Plants

Below are some of the most common jasmine vines grown in the landscape or home [2] :

Common jasmine ( Jasminum officinale ), sometimes called poet’s jasmine, is one of the most strongly scented jasmine species. The intensely fragrant flowers bloom all summer and into autumn. Expect the plant to grow 12 to 24 inches (30.5-61 cm) each year, eventually reaching a height of 10 to 15 feet (3-4.5 m). Common jasmine is perfect for archways and entryways. They require frequent pinching and pruning to keep them bushy but under control.
Showy jasmine [3] ( J. floridum ) appears to be misnamed because the small 1-inch flowers that bloom in spring are not very showy at all. It is grown primarily for its foliage, which covers a trellis or arbor well.
Spanish jasmine ( J. grandiflorum ), also known as royal or Catalan jasmine, has fragrant, white flowers that are about 1 1/2 inches (4 cm) apart. The vine is evergreen in frost-free areas, but semi-evergreen and deciduous in cooler areas. This is one of the most commonly grown types of jasmine.
The most common types of jasmine are vines, but there are some varieties that you can grow as shrubs or ground covers.

Arabian jasmine ( J. sambac ) is an evergreen shrub with intensely fragrant flowers. It grows 1.5 to 2 m high. This is the type of jasmine used for tea.
Italian jasmine [4] ( J. humile ) can be grown as a vine or shrub. When not attached to a trellis, it forms a dense, mounding shape up to 3 m wide. The plant also tolerates pruning to a shrub.
Winter jasmine [5] ( J. nudiflorum ) is a shrub that grows 1 m wide and 2 m high. The yellow flowers of this deciduous shrub [6] are not fragrant, but it has the advantage of blooming in late winter and providing early season color. Winter jasmine provides good erosion protection on banks. If left to its own devices, it will root wherever the branches touch the ground.
Primrose jasmine ( J. mesnyi ) is rarely grown in the United States. This shrub produces yellow flowers that are larger than most varieties – up to 5 cm in diameter.
Asian star jasmine [7] ( Trachelospermum asiaticum ) is usually grown as a tough ground cover. It has small, light yellow flowers and large, dense leaves.
Non-Blooming Jasmine: What To Do If Jasmine Flowers Don’t Bloom?
Whether you are growing jasmine indoors [1] or outside in the garden [2] , you might be concerned if you notice that your jasmine is not blooming. After caring for and caring for the plant, you may wonder why jasmine flowers aren’t blooming. Read on to find out why to grow a jasmine plant without flowers.

Why jasmine doesn’t bloom
Maybe your indoor jasmine plant looks healthy with lush green foliage. They have meticulously cared for it, fed it and watered it and still no jasmine flowers are blooming. Maybe fertilization is the problem.

Too much nitrogen fertilizer [3] directs energy to the growing foliage and takes away from the developing flowers. This can also be the problem if most of the jasmine flowers are not blooming but a few are peeking through. Try fertilizing with a plant food that has low or no nitrogen content. Phosphorus-rich [4] plant foods often cause plants to bloom.

Maybe all that extra care involved moving your potted jasmine to a larger container. Be patient, jasmine needs to be root bound to produce flowers.

Good air circulation is necessary for the health of this plant. Healthy plants are more likely to bloom than needy ones. Keep this plant near open windows or near a fan that circulates air.

The non-blooming jasmine may be living in the wrong growing conditions. In order for non-blooming jasmine to bloom, it needs light and the right temperature. Temperatures should be between 65 and 75 degrees F (18-24 C) during the day.

Prune your jasmine plant [5] when it has finished blooming. If you cannot prune at this time, make sure the pruning is completed by mid-summer. Pruning later can remove the season’s buds that may already be forming. Heavy pruning for this plant is recommended; If done at the right time, it encourages more and larger flowers.

Resting time for flowers
To produce winter blooms, indoor jasmine must have a dormant period in the fall. During this time the nights should be dark. Look for the non-blooming jasmine in these conditions. If you have problems with streetlights shining through the window at night, place the jasmine without flowers in a closet during the night hours.

Outdoor jasmine without flowers can be covered with a dark, light landscape cover or even a cloth, but be sure to remove it when the sun comes up. The jasmine without flowers still needs light during the day.

Water non-blooming jasmine limitedly during this dormant period. Hold fertilization for four to five weeks. Keep temperatures at 40 to 50 degrees F. (4-10 C) during the dormant period for jasmine flowers that are not blooming.

If flowers appear on the jasmine plant that has not bloomed, move it to a location where it will receive six hours of light per day. Temperatures of 60 to 65 degrees F. (16-18 C) are appropriate at this time. Continue regular watering and feeding. At this time, the jasmine plant needs moisture. Place a gravel bowl [6] filled with water near the jasmine that has started to bloom.

You can even place the potted jasmine on the pebble tray, but leave it in a saucer so it doesn’t absorb the water and get soggy. Waterlogged roots on this plant will also delay or stop flowering, so be sure to only water the jasmine plant when the soil is dry to a depth of 1.5 cm.

Repotting Jasmine Plants: How And When To Repot Jasmine
Compared to most other houseplants, jasmine plants [1] can take a long time before they need to be repotted. Jasmine likes to be cozy in her container, so you really need to wait until she’s almost pot-bound [2] before giving her a new home. Repotting jasmine is a straightforward process that isn’t much different than repotting other plants [3] , aside from the extreme amount of roots you have to contend with. The secret to your success will be when to repot jasmine, not how to repot a jasmine. If you get the timing right, your plant will grow all year round.

When and how to repot a jasmine plant
As a jasmine plant grows, the roots wrap around the pot like any other plant. The ratio of roots to potting soil slowly changes until you have more roots than soil. This means the amount of material holding moisture will be less than when first planted. So if you water your jasmine plant and it needs watering again after two or three days, it’s time to repot.

Place the plant on its side on an old newspaper indoors or outdoors in the grass. Pull the root ball out of the pot by lightly tapping the sides, then push the roots out. Examine the roots. If you see any black or dark brown pieces, cut them off with a clean, sharp utility knife. Loosen the roots with your hands to loosen the tangles and remove as much of the old potting soil as possible. Cut off any long root strands that are wrapped around the root ball.

Make four vertical slices into the sides of the root ball, from top to bottom. Distribute the slices evenly around the root ball. This will encourage fresh new roots to grow. Using fresh potting soil, plant the jasmine in a container 2 inches (5 cm) larger than the one it previously lived in.

Jasmine container care
Once you’ve established the plant in its new home, caring for indoor jasmine containers can be a bit tricky. This plant loves lots of bright light, but not direct midday sun. Most jasmines that do poorly after being brought indoors in the fall do so because they are not getting enough light. Try placing the planter in an east-facing window with a sheer curtain between the plant and the glass, or in a south-facing window with the same arrangement.

Jasmine [4] is a tropical plant, so it likes soil that is constantly moist, but not soaking wet. Never allow the soil to dry out completely. Check the moisture level by sticking your finger into the potting soil. When it is dry about half an inch (1 cm) below the surface, give the plant a full watering.

Jasmine Plant Fertilizer: When and How to Fertilize Jasmine
Consistent flowers, divine scent and attractive, shiny green leaves characterize one of the most famous fragrant flowering plants. Jasmine plants [1] appeal to the exotic and are reminiscent of sunny days and warm, humid nights. The best flowers occur on plants that have been well cared for and fed regularly. But what to feed jasmine? Learn the secrets of blooming flower plants and how to properly fertilize jasmine here.

Fertilize jasmine
The fertilization time for jasmine is spring or late winter if you live in a mild climate. The goal is to give the plant the nutrients it needs for leaf production, healthy roots and pest/disease resistance and of course flowering. Phosphorus [2] is the macronutrient responsible for fruit and flower production in plants.

True jasmine or Jasminum officinale should not be confused with star jasmine [3] . The true jasmines are the plants with the heavenly scent. Proper feeding enhances the intoxicating scent and helps the plant produce an abundance of aromatic flowers.

How to fertilize jasmine
There are a few methods to fertilize jasmine. Plants in a rich organic growing medium rarely need additional nutrients added to the soil, and adding compost to the top of a container once or twice a year helps maintain a healthy and nutritious amount of organic material in the container.

If you choose to use chemical fertilizers for your container-grown jasmine, the rule for plants is that there can be too much of a good thing. It is important to note chemical fertilizer salts and their composition. Excess fertilizer deposits salts in the soil, which can burn roots and actually harm the plant.

Plants in the ground can also benefit from additional nutrition added at the right time if they are in poor soil. In spring, when it is time to fertilize jasmine, amend the soil with either mulch [4] or organic mixes, or use a slow-release granular or liquid dilution of jasmine plant fertilizer. Assess your soil, the condition of the plant, and the location before deciding on a method.

What to feed jasmine
Plants with yellow leaves may indicate that it is time to feed your jasmine. Jasmine plants in the garden usually do not need additional fertilizer unless they are in nutrient-poor soil. Typically, thick organic mulch applied around the plant’s root zone will slowly leach into the soil and compost, feeding the roots.

If your plant doesn’t produce many flowers but has thick, lush leaf growth, it’s probably getting a lot of nitrogen but is growing in soil low in phosphorus. Use a jasmine plant fertilizer with a higher middle number that represents the ratio of phosphorus in the formula.

Potted plants are trapped and cannot absorb any more nutrients than are already in the soil. You need to add a good plant food in the form of a half dilution every two weeks in the spring and summer. Do not fertilize in autumn and winter.

Slow-release granular foods are good for the occasional lazy gardener who forgets to eat regularly. Scratch the seeds into the top 2 inches (5 cm) of soil around the edges of the root zone and water. Over time, the grains melt into the soil and slowly release needed nutrition to the plant. Read the instructions carefully to determine the exact amount for your plant size to avoid overfeeding and health problems.

Note : All chemical usage recommendations are for informational purposes only. Chemical control should only be used as a last resort as organic approaches are safer and more environmentally friendly.

By mohmed

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