New Guinea Impatiens Information: Caring for New Guinea Impatiens Flowers -

New Guinea Impatiens Information: Caring for New Guinea Impatiens Flowers If you love the look of impatiens [1] , but your flower beds get strong sun part of the day, New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri ) will fill your garden with color. Unlike classic impatiens plants that love shade, New Guinea impatiens flowers can tolerate up to half a day of sun in most parts of the country.

Available in vibrant hues from lavender to orange, these colorful blooms span the rainbow with a choice of bedding colors. Caring for New Guinea impatiens is no more difficult than any other flower, as long as you keep the plants well watered during the hottest seasons.

How to Grow New Guinea Impatiens

One thing to note about New Guinea impatiens is that while they tolerate moderate sunlight, they still thrive in light shade. Flower beds on the east side of a building that receive morning sun and afternoon shade are ideal locations for these plants.

Fill the beds with mass plantings [2] for the best look. Each plant will grow into a rounded mound, and if planted 18 inches apart, they will grow to fill the entire space within a few weeks. Keep plants in front of the bed 12 inches from the edge to prevent front branches from growing onto the lawn or sidewalk.

Caring for New Guinea Impatiens

The best New Guinea impatiens growing tips have to do with paying attention to small details. None of the varieties of this plant tolerate drought very well, so keep the soil moist with soaker hoses or other irrigation equipment. In hot summer months this may mean daily watering [3] , penetrating deep into the soil.

This plant can be a heavy feeder, so give it a low-nitrogen plant food monthly. This will encourage the plant to grow without affecting flower production.

Once you know how to grow New Guinea impatiens, you will find that it is a useful plant for planters and hanging baskets, as well as mass borders. Move the containers every day to keep the plants in the shade for most of the day and you will find them thriving in almost any planting group.

Impatiens Seed Propagation: How To Grow Impatiens From Seed
If you grow flowers outdoors, chances are good that you have grown impatiens [1] . This cheerful flower is the most popular grown in the country, and for good reason. It thrives in both shade [2] and partial sun [3] and works well in planters as a hanging plant and in beds. Impatiens also make a strong impression in mass plantings [ 4] , but purchasing a large collection from a garden center can be expensive. Learning how to grow impatiens from seed is the best way to stick to your landscape plans while keeping costs down. Read on to learn more about impatiens seed propagation.

Propagating Impatiens by Seeds
Impatiens is a slow-growing plant, and you’ll need to start seedlings about three months before your last spring frost. Impatiens seed germination can take up to 21 days, with most germination occurring within the first two weeks.

Some gardeners may try to save money by spreading the seeds across a tray and then transplanting the tiny seedlings as they grow leaves, but you reduce the chance of transplant shock if you start the seeds in individual small pots or six-pack cells of their own. You’ll have to transplant the seedlings there anyway, so you might as well start them in their future home. All the empty cells from seeds that don’t sprout are a small price to pay for healthier, hardy impatiens.

Tips for Growing Impatiens from Seed
Growing impatiens from seeds is a slow but easy process. Fill each cell with a moistened commercial seed starting mix, leaving a 1.5 cm gap between the top of the soil and the edge of the planter. Place the cells on a tray and fill the tray with water. Allow the mixture to absorb water from the bottom until the top of the mixture is moist. Pour the remaining water out of the bowl.

Place two seeds on the soil in each cell and sprinkle a light mixture over them. Spray the top of the cells with clean water. Cover the cells with plastic to keep them moist and place them in a bright location to germinate.

Once the seeds have germinated and produced a pair of leaves, remove the plastic wrap and place the cell-filled tray in a sunny, south-facing window. If you don’t have a bright window available, grow the impatiens under fluorescent lights [5] for 16 hours a day.

Some gardening experts argue that while propagating impatiens by seed requires an initial blast of sunlight to wake the seeds up, if you then move them to a dark area, they will grow stockier and stronger. Experiment with this theory by leaving the seeds uncovered and in a bright, sunny window for the first two days. Then sprinkle the seeds with the starting mixture, cover them with plastic and take them to a dark place to germinate.

In addition to seed propagation, you can also propagate impatiens through cuttings [6] .

Jewelweed Growing: How To Plant Jewelweed In The Garden
Jewelweed ( Impatiens capensis ), also called spotted touch-me-not, is a plant that thrives in conditions few others tolerate, including deep shade and moist soil. Although it is an annual, once established in an area it returns year after year because the plants self-seed vigorously. Leaves that glitter and sparkle when wet give this Native American wildflower its name, jewelweed. Read on to learn more about growing wild jewelweed impatiens.

What is Jewel Herb?
Jewelweed is a wildflower in the Impatiens family [1] that is commonly grown as an annual bedding plant. In the wild, dense colonies of jewelweed can be found growing in catchment areas, on stream banks and in moors [2] . Wild jewelweed impatiens plants support wildlife such as butterflies [3] , bees [4] , and various species of birds [5] , including many songbirds [6] and hummingbirds [7] .

Jewelweed plants grow 3 to 5 feet (1-1.5 m) tall and bloom from late spring to early fall. The orange or yellow flowers with reddish-brown spots are followed by explosive seed pods. The capsules burst open at the slightest touch and hurl seeds in all directions. This method of seed distribution gives rise to the common name touch-me-not.

How to plant jewelweed
Choose a site in full or partial shade with rich, organic soil that stays moist or most moist. Balsam can tolerate more sun in places with cool summers. If the soil lacks organic matter, dig in a thick layer of compost [8] or rotted manure [9] before planting .

Jewelweed seeds germinate best when stored in the refrigerator for at least two months before planting outdoors. Scatter the seeds over the soil surface when all danger of frost has passed. They need light to germinate, so do not bury the seeds or cover them with soil. As seedlings emerge, thin them to 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm.) apart, cutting out excess seedlings with scissors.

Jewelweed Plant Care
Caring for jewelweed plants is easy. In fact, it requires little maintenance in areas where the ground remains wet. Otherwise, water often enough to keep the soil moist and apply a thick mulch [10] .

In nutrient-rich soil, plants don’t need fertilizer, but you can add a scoop of compost in the summer if they aren’t growing well.

Once established, the plants’ dense growth deters weeds. Until then, pull the weeds as needed.

Impatiens Problems: Common Impatiens Diseases and Pests
While Impatiens plants [1] are usually problem-free, problems do occasionally arise. Therefore, it is crucial to take preventative measures in advance by creating suitable conditions and knowing the most common problems with impatiens flowers.

Environmental and Cultural Impatiens Issues
One of the most common problems with impatiens flowers is wilting. This is usually due to moisture stress. These plants need to be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water stress can also cause leaf and flower/bud loss.

In addition to watering, heat stress can also cause wilting, especially if plants are exposed to too much sun. If possible, they should be moved or grown in a shadier location.

Other impatiens problems are due to fertilization. Although they only need a little fertilizer each spring, not enough can result in patchy-looking foliage. On the other hand, too much nitrogen [2] can cause excessive growth and little to no blooms. If not blooming is a problem, this is usually the problem. Adding phosphorus [3] to the soil should help correct the problem and encourage flowering.

Pest on Impatiens
There are many pests that can affect impatiens flowers. Spider mites [4] , mealybugs [5] , aphids [6] and thrips [7] are common and usually result in curled, distorted or discolored leaves. Thrips generally attack the flowers/buds of plants and can transmit a virus that affects these annuals.

Another pest of impatiens is the tarnished plant bug [8] , which can lead to stunted and deformed flowers.

If plants wilt, begin to die, and appear to be cut off at the stems, it is likely due to cutworms [9] .

Neem oil [10] is a safe and effective treatment for most pest problems.

Nematodes [11] also attack these plants, which appear sickly, stunted and wilted. The foliage may also turn yellow or bronze and slowly die back. Plants must be removed, as well as the surrounding soil in which these pests live. Solarizing [12] plant beds and applying diluted fish emulsion [13] when transplanting helps keep them away.

Impatiens flower disease
There are several impatiens diseases including fungal blight and rot, viruses and bacterial wilt. Most fungal problems are due to wet foliage or overcrowding. Leaf spots and rot can indicate fungal problems. Avoid wet leaves and ensure sufficient distance. Neem oil [10] can also help treat fungal problems.

Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) can be a serious impatiens flower disease caused by thrips. Also common is bacterial wilt, which is recognized by sudden wilting and collapse of plants as well as stem shedding when cutting. The plants will eventually rot down to the soil line and must be removed and disposed of.

By mohmed

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